How Does a Ticket Affect My Auto Insurance Rates in Ontario?

Apr 25, 2024

Understanding Ontario's roads comes with its share of challenges and responsibilities, not the least of which is knowing how tickets affect auto insurance rates. For many drivers, a quick lack of judgment or a brief distraction can result in an unwanted surprise of a speeding ticket.

However, the consequences go beyond the immediate financial penalty. In Ontario, traffic offenses, particularly speeding tickets, can have a substantial impact on your auto insurance prices, hurting both your driving record and your wallet.

At Begin Insurance, we understand the intricacies of auto insurance and work to help our clients understand what to expect. With partnerships with over 18 esteemed insurance companies, we are dedicated to securing not only the most affordable but also the most comprehensive insurance quotes for our clients.

This commitment ensures that drivers have access to a wide range of options, designed to meet their unique needs and circumstances. As we delve into the nuances of how tickets affect auto insurance rates in Ontario, get ready for on an informative journey that may change the way you perceive and handle your auto insurance.

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What are Tickets and How They Affect You in Ontario

In Ontario, traffic tickets are more than just slips of paper handed out for violating road rules; they're formal notices that can have a lasting impact on your driving record and, subsequently, your auto insurance rates. These tickets are issued for a variety of offenses, ranging from speeding to parking violations, each carrying its own set of consequences for drivers.

Types of Tickets and Their Impact on Insurance

Tickets can be classified into minor infractions, major infractions, and criminal offenses, each affecting your insurance rates differently.

  • Minor Infractions: Minor infractions include speeding tickets (below a certain threshold), failing to signal, and other small breaches of traffic laws. While they may not drastically increase your rates, accumulating multiple minor tickets can lead to noticeable hikes in premiums.
  • Major Infractions: Major infractions, such as speeding over a significant threshold, driving without insurance, and failing to stop for a school bus, can lead to significant increases in insurance rates. These are seen as serious breaches of road safety.
  • Criminal Offenses: Criminal offenses, including driving under the influence (DUI) and dangerous driving, have the most severe impact on insurance rates. These offenses can lead to the highest rate increases and sometimes result in difficulty securing insurance coverage.

Since, speeding tickets are among the most common traffic violations and can have varying impacts on your auto insurance rates, depending on several factors, let’s take a closer look at it.

How Does a Speeding Ticket Affect Insurance in Ontario?

Speeding tickets are among the most common and impactful types of traffic violations. They can be issued by an officer directly or through automated systems like speed cameras. The type of speeding ticket can affect how your insurance is impacted. Here is how:

  • Officer-Issued Tickets: These go on your driving record and directly influence your insurance premiums, reflecting a higher perceived risk by insurers.
  • Camera Tickets: Such tickets are typically for speeding or running a red light and are not linked to a specific driver but to the vehicle. Hence, they usually don’t impact personal insurance rates directly, as there's no definitive proof of who was driving at the time of the infraction.

How long does a speeding ticket stay on my driving record in Ontario?

In Ontario, understanding how long a speeding ticket affects your driving record and by extension, your insurance rates, is crucial for understanding the consequences of traffic violations. Generally, a speeding ticket will remain on your driving record for three years from the date of conviction. It's important to note that the "date of conviction" is not when the ticket is issued but when you either pay the fine or are found guilty by a court. This three-year period is critical for the following possible reasons:

  • Insurance Risk Assessment: Insurance companies periodically review your driving record to assess risk and determine your insurance premiums.
  • Increased Risk Indicator: A speeding ticket on your record indicates to insurers that you pose a higher risk, which can lead to increased insurance rates.
  • Expiration of Impact: After three years, a speeding ticket should no longer be visible on your driving record or directly impact your insurance premiums.

The extent to which a speeding ticket affects insurance rates can differ greatly depending on the individual driver and the insurance provider involved:

  • Policy Variations: Some insurers may offer forgiveness for a first minor speeding infraction, while others may adjust your rates based on their own policies and the details of your driving history.
  • Potential for High-Risk Classification: Accumulating multiple speeding tickets or committing major traffic violations can classify you as a high-risk driver, which can have a prolonged and more severe impact on your insurance rates.

Should I fight a speeding ticket?

Fighting a speeding ticket in Ontario follows a structured legal process, giving drivers the opportunity to challenge charges they believe were unjustly issued. Upon receiving a speeding ticket, it typically comes with instructions on how to challenge it. The specific process can vary slightly depending on the type of ticket issued.

  • Officer-Issued Tickets: You have the option to request a trial and present your case before a judge in traffic court. Preparation is key, and many choose to hire legal representation, such as a paralegal specializing in traffic law, to increase their chances of a successful defense. It's important to gather any evidence that supports your case, including photographs of the location, witness statements, or any relevant documents.
  • Camera-Issued Tickets: Fighting a camera speeding ticket presents unique challenges since these tickets are based on photographic evidence and issued to the vehicle owner, not necessarily the driver. Contesting these tickets often involves questioning the accuracy of the speed measurement or the calibration of the camera equipment. Legal representation can be beneficial in navigating these technical defenses.

Weighing the Costs and Benefits

Before deciding to fight a ticket, consider the potential benefits against the costs, such as legal fees and the time required to attend court. For a first offense and minor over-speed, considering a plea bargain where the charge may be reduced to a lesser offense with lower penalties might be a strategic option.

Outcome Considerations

A successful challenge can lead to the ticket being withdrawn or the charges being reduced, potentially saving you from demerit points, increased insurance rates, and other penalties. However, if the court upholds the ticket, you may be required to pay the original fine plus additional court costs.

Making an Informed Decision

The decision to fight a speeding ticket should be based on a careful consideration of the circumstances of the offense, the evidence available, and the potential impact on your driving record and insurance rates.

How much faster than the speed limit can you go?

In Ontario, the legal speed limits vary depending on the type of road and area, such as urban streets, rural highways, and expressways, with specific limits set to ensure safety. However, there's an informal allowance known as the "10 km/h and 5km/hr grace" on highways and cities respectively, over the speed limit before enforcement actions are typically taken, aimed at accounting for minor speedometer discrepancies and driving conditions. Yet, this is not a legal rule and can depend on the discretion of law enforcement.

Exceeding these speed limits, especially by significant margins, can lead to speeding tickets, demerit points, and potentially severe implications like increased insurance rates or even criminal charges for extreme violations. The legal framework and enforcement practices emphasize the importance of adhering to posted speed limits to ensure road safety and minimize the risk of legal and financial consequences.

Am I a High-Risk Driver if I Have Multiple Speeding Tickets?

Yes, having multiple speeding tickets can classify you as a high-risk driver in the eyes of insurance companies in Ontario. Insurers assess risk based on your driving history, and multiple infractions suggest a pattern of risky driving behavior. Being labeled as high-risk can lead to significantly higher insurance premiums. Insurers see repeated offenses as an indication of increased likelihood of filing claims in the future, which is why they adjust rates accordingly to mitigate this risk.

At Begin Insurance, we understand the challenges faced by high-risk drivers. That’s why we partner with leading high-risk insurance providers across Canada to ensure you can access competitive quotes. Ready to see how much you can save? Get your quote rightaway! 

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Does the Speed Reflected on Your Ticket Affect Your Insurance Differently?

The speed over the limit indicated on your speeding ticket can indeed affect your insurance rates differently. Minor speeding infractions, such as going slightly over the limit, might result in smaller increases in premiums. However, major infractions, like speeding significantly above the limit, are viewed more severely. Such violations can lead to more substantial hikes in insurance costs. The rationale is that higher speeds increase the risk and potential severity of accidents, thus insurers adjust premiums to reflect this increased risk.

Do parking tickets affect my insurance in Ontario?

Parking tickets, stand in a category of their own. Unlike speeding and other moving violations, parking tickets do not affect a driver's insurance rates in Ontario. This is because they are considered non-moving violations and do not contribute to an assessment of driving risk by insurance companies​​.

Understanding the distinctions between these types of traffic tickets is crucial for Ontario drivers. It not only helps in understanding the immediate repercussions of a ticket but also in managing long-term insurance costs. Awareness and adherence to road rules can go a long way in maintaining a clean driving record and, by extension, more favorable insurance rates.

Understanding Ontario Demerit Points

The demerit points system in Ontario is a critical component of the province's road safety strategy, designed to penalize drivers for traffic violations and encourage safer driving habits. Accumulating demerit points can lead to warnings, license suspensions, and in severe cases, the revocation of driving privileges. While demerit points themselves do not directly impact insurance premiums, the traffic convictions associated with these points do influence insurance costs.

This is because insurance companies use a driver's history of convictions as a key indicator of their risk level, with a higher number of convictions suggesting a higher risk and therefore leading to increased insurance rates.

For instance, speeding is a common offense that results in demerit points. Depending on how much over the speed limit a driver is caught, they could receive anywhere from 0 to 6 demerit points. A driver caught speeding 15 km/h over the limit might receive 3 demerit points.

Though these points serve as an immediate penalty for the offense, the long-term impact on the driver's insurance premiums can be more significant. The conviction for speeding, reflected in the driver's record, may lead to higher insurance rates due to the perceived increased risk of insuring the driver.


In conclusion, understanding how tickets affect your auto insurance rates in Ontario is crucial for responsible driving and informed financial decisions. While minor infractions might have a limited impact, accumulating tickets or committing major offenses can significantly increase your insurance costs. Remember, adhering to road rules and maintaining a clean driving record are key to keeping your insurance rates affordable and ensuring the safety of yourself and others on the road. Remember, with Begin Insurance by your side, you can deal with these complexities with confidence, ensuring your journey remains both safe and financially sound.


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